About Us

Green Planning Studio has the skills to realise your ambitions.

Our team has specialist skills in planning:

Site appraisal and strategy, measured surveys, certificates of lawfulness, permitted development, custom and self-build sites, enforcement appeals, costs recovery, gypsy and traveller sites and needs assessments, 5-year land supply, land promotion, release of conditions, site licences and representing clients at committee.


Our Directors

Green Planning Studio is led by Matthew Green a former MP specialising in planning, Ruth Reed a past president of the RIBA, and Michael Rudd a planning barrister. 


Matthew Green


View CV

Ruth Reed

BA DipArch MA​ Hon AIA

View CV

Michael Rudd

BSc(Hons) MSc LLM PgDip

View CV

Our Associate Directors

The Management Team behind Green Planning Studio is a highly skilled team of specialists in their area.


Eleanor Simmons

BSc(Hons) FCILEx
Associate Director
(Appeals and Legal)

Eleanor Simmons has been with Green Planning Studio since she graduated in 2008. She leads the Appeals Team and focusses on providing an efficient and reliable service to guide clients through the appeals system.
During her 16 years with the practice, she has qualified as a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives specialising in planning law. She brings her considerable experience and knowledge to our appeals casework with particular knowledge of enforcement.
Part of her role is liaising with the legal professions for defending injunctions and making High Court challenges where Green Planning Studio have succeeded in establishing key case law in land use planning.

Helen Morris​​

Associate Director

Helen Morris qualified as a solicitor in 2009 and worked in Employers Liability and Public Liability claims until 2014. She left the legal profession and joined Green Planning Studio in 2015 where she now works as a planning consultant. Helen is currently completing the MSc in Planning and Urban Leadership.
She provides high level research and planning consultancy skills and knowledge to the Appeals Team drafting appeals and supporting documents including needs assessments and 5-year land supply reports.

Jo Clayton

BSc(Hons) ACCA
Associate Director

Jo Clayton joined Green Planning Studio in 2013 as it was created from Green Planning Solutions llp. She leads the Finance and Administration Team that provides expert support for the Company and our clients.
She is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants with over 20 years’ experience in financial and commercial accounting.
Her experience and expertise across both large multinationals and SME businesses have enabled her to develop and utilise systems of effective accounting, reporting and client account management for Green Planning Studios.

Our Senior Staff​


Helen Heathcote

Office Manager

Helen has experience in operational management and Human Resources. She possesses an in-depth knowledge of business development and people management.
In her role at Green Planning Studio she manages the delivery of casework from initial enquiry to appointment in the New Sites Team, managing the allocation of work and resources. She also provides Human Resources support to the Company.
Helen has a passion for Interior Design, Architecture and Property Development, and is currently studying for her Higher National Diploma in Interior Design.

George Whitehouse

​Senior Planner

George Whitehouse has 5 years’ previous experience as a planning officer in local authority and has a high level of technical knowledge, skill and experience in rural, urban and agricultural planning, including using lawful development certificates and prior approval.
He provides advice on strategy, prepares planning applications and appeals for our clients for land use and operational development proposals.

Lee Marbury

Senior Planner

Lee Marbury is a planning enforcement specialist, with extensive technical and legislative knowledge and over 9 years’ previous experience as an enforcement officer where he worked extensively with residents, elected members, businesses, statutory undertakers and other Local Authority Officers, preventing, regularising or remedying breaches of planning control.
He brings this knowledge and experience to our clients’ cases to advise on planning strategy, preparing planning applications and preparing and attending appeals particularly when there is enforcement.

David Walker

Surveyor, IT Manager


Nat Green​​

Applications Administrator​


Ethan Giles​

Planning Applications Caseworker


Olivia O’Shea

Appeals Assistant & Researcher


Bethan Holdcroft

New Sites Coordinator


Ivana Novotna​

Mgr PhD​
New Sites ​Caseworker


Mae Green



Bryony Kidd

Office and Finance Administrator​​


Aamenah Farooqui

Office and Finance Administrator


We are pleased to work with partner organisations, sharing skills to get the best outcomes for our clients in planning, architecture, legal matters, acoustics, and custom and self-build. 

Contact Us

If you are having problems gaining planning permission or have a planning issue that requires immediate attention or advice, or you are looking for architectural inspiration please do not hesitate to contact us.