Advertorial in The Times “Has your planning application been refused?”
Green planning studio has an Advertorial in today’s edition of The Times in the Homes and Gardens feature:
Has your planning application been refused?
Planning is one of the greatest hurdles to overcome for anyone wanting to build a large extension or a new home. Knowing if an application is necessary at all is the first step.
Listed buildings, conservations areas, protected landscapes and green belt can place even more requirements on householders. Applications often can be necessary for even the most modest of extensions and alterations in these areas.
If you do need to apply, understanding the opportunities for development available to you through planning policy, the constraints that you must work within, combined with a well-designed scheme are the key components of success.
However, if your application is refused your dreams are not necessarily over. It is possible that the reasons for refusal could be overcome by changing the scheme and resubmitting it. If the Council has refused your application and it was line with its policies or national planning policy the best course may be to appeal.
To appeal you will need to make a clear case for your scheme quoting planning policies and backing up technical statements with expert reports on matters such as heritage, trees, landscape, flooding, highways and ecology if these have been cited as reasons for refusal.
Green Planning Studio can appraise your scheme and advise on the best options at application and appeal stage. We have a great track record in winning appeals for homeowners in urban and rural areas, keeping client’s dreams on-track to success.
If you have had a planning application refused then lodging an appeal may be an option. Contact us to see if we can help you with a new application or an appeal.
Contact Us
If you are having problems gaining planning permission or have a planning issue that requires immediate attention or advice, or you are looking for architectural inspiration please do not hesitate to contact us.